
It's Been A Few Days

So, our recent activities have been interesting. I haven't taken the time to post in a while, so here's how it's been.

Went back to BWW on Tuesday, only to get asked to leave. It seems although some of the management liked us there, some of it also didn't. Our next venue was downtown Lansing again, with Brannigan Brothers. Great food, but we didn't really make any money on Tarot there. Worthy to hang out at, though, and we met some cool people.

After that, it was time to take a few days off, so we did. Then it was time to enjoy Welcome Week at MSU. We're not students, but there were some cool things going on that anyone could attend.

First off, there's always going to random house parties. There's enough of them, and lots of kids to meet, but it's not a good time to do Tarot. We handed out a few business cards (found my business card paper and printed some new ones for my partner, as well as a new stack for myself) and met some cool people. Mostly they were interested in me fixing their computers. As a CS guy, I do a lot of computer repair stuff really well and charge a fair price for it since I have no overhead. The first day, Sunday night, was mostly walking between parties and meeting people. After only a little of this, we heard from one of our tattoo clients, who wanted us to go over and tattoo him. However, when we got there, he wasn't there. We're rather annoyed at the waste of gas and time, especially on a night when we were short resources.

On Monday we went to the Union building to find a lot of interesting things going on. Too many people to really meet anyone well, but we got some cool swag and free food, I got to do a climbing wall, and we played some pool. A good day, and the swag was pretty cool, mostly energy shots and a few keychain flashlights.

Tuesday was Sparticipation, where, I reconnected with my old friends at a few student groups. I tend to be involved in the local pagan group, so I had fun reconnecting with them. Spent some time with a few of those old friends in the evening as well.

Wednesday was the first meeting of said Pagan group, and we hung out with the same friends both before and after the group meeting. My partner taught one of them to make Dragon's Blood oil from the resin and grapeseed oil, which was a fun project. After that, it was pretty late so we just went home and relaxed.

Thursday, last night, we went to The Riv, a sort of seedy little bar very near campus. I really like The Riv, and I received one extremely good tip after a lot of good readings for no tips. This was very good, as we were really short on cash at the time, so we could buy gas and smokes and afford to go out again today. We also made a few more great contacts.

Today, we're back at Crunchy's. I really enjoy Crunchy's... and one of the waitresses that knows who we are and what we do is here serving us. Still a little short on cash, so I hope tonight goes well. The place is pretty hopping right now, which is a good sign. We also might end up with tattoo work tonight, from some of our recent contacts. So, at the moment, we're drinking soda and coffee and hanging out, enjoying the atmosphere. Almost time to have a smoke, then get to work on Tarot and meeting people. Signing off for now. Enjoy yourselves.


Venue Cost: $0

We went to Buffalo Wild Wings tonight after taking most of the day off. Only made $2 in tips, from some high school kids we read for previously and a new friend they brought me, but the waitress said our drinks were free (soda and coffee), and so we were out no money as we cooked and ate a good meal before going. All in all, a good night. We played a lot of pool, and my partner actually won a round by sinking the eight ball. That was the first time she has won against me other than when I scratched on the eight. BWW is starting to feel like our home venue, and that's a really good feeling. Signing off for the night. Enjoy yourselves.


Sundays are Slow

Went to The Riv tonight after a visit to the mall today. Was truly slow and we actually lost money. Went home a little early. Decided to perhaps take a few days off until Thursday. We'll see how that goes. Signing off for now. Enjoy yourselves.


And We're Going Downtown

Went to downtown Lansing tonight. Walked a long time checking out venues, ended up going to a place called the Wild Beaver Saloon. Was a decent place to work, ended up even on the night and made some good contacts. My partner actually ran into an old friend of hers from the last time she lived in Lansing, and we got a few contacts for tattoo jobs. Also met a girl whose SO is an entrepreneurial tattoo artist like ourselves. We may hang out sometime and possibly talk about his plans for opening a tattoo shop. All in all, a pretty good night. Signing off for now. Enjoy yourselves.


Another interesting day

So today we went down to a little bar where a manager had invited us. After hanging out with a cool guy I'd met before and reading for a bit, the owner's daughter said we couldn't do readings like we had been doing. Very annoyed, as we had literally been invited, we took the rest of the night off to relax and think. We did break even, and got a tattoo contact, but the whole thing left a bad taste in our mouths. Thinking we'll be changing up our venues and doing downtown lansing proper tomorrow. Also considering a visit to Ann Arbor for the next week.



The rest of yesterday went pretty well. Got in a lot of readings, ended up up a little on the night. Today we bought a new cheap watch for me and a new battery for my dear rogue's watch. A little spendy on our budgets, but we do need to know the time. One of my local friends through the pagan group here invited us over to help mediate a dispute a little. I often tend to do that sort of thing, and it went well. It also allowed her and her boyfriend to meet my partner, which hadn't happened previously. The dispute was between two friends of mine, roommates. I'll spare you the details. After that, prospecting at buffalo wild wings. It hasn't gone al that well so far, but the pool and food was good. We'll see how the rest of the night goes. In downtime later I may talk about earlier prospecting attempts as well. Signing off for now.



For one week, my partner and I have worked the bar scene in East Lansing, trying to find tattoo work, and paying our way with Tarot. Each place we've gone has a different flavor. The purpose of this blog will be to help explain what it is like to work like this, for the benefit of anyone who may be thinking of following a similar pathway. Tonight my dear rogue and I are, for the second time, in a bar called Crunchy's. It's a medium-sized bar on the edge of MSU campus, next door to a Biggby's coffee shop, the original one in fact. It's sort of dark, not very open, and has large booths tending towards privacy. We're here mostly to hear a band we heard and liked last week, Cloud Magic. They're a local group, VERY talented musically, but their lyrics could use some work. They don't start playing for a few hours, so we're having some food and drinks (non-alcoholic). Prospecting is never good at this hour anyhow; not really worth taking out my deck. Only about ten other people here total, counting the waitstaff. That will change later, of course. Crunchy's isn't the most happening of bars, but Wednesday is slow everywhere. Thursday-Sunday are the good days. I'll sign off for now; enjoy yourselves.